Latest from Business Dynamics Consultants
A good read about a simple secret
Your guide on how to enhance employee well-being in your organisation
We deliver a range of world-class services which maximise performance and minimise stress-related problems for individuals, teams and organisations. Uniquely, we bring together experts in the fields of Human Resource management, Psychology as well as Industrial Psychology. Our style is approachable and dynamic and we are driven by our values to build a firm which really does make a difference to the people we work with as well as their respective organisations.
We conduct business with the highest level of personal, professional, and ethical integrity
We respect and are sensitive to the uniqueness of every organisation with which we work and develop customised approaches for each client's specific needs
We establish lasting relationships with our clients based on mutual trust and a commitment to excellence in service provision
We take pride in our work and strive to satisfy our customer's needs during every consultation
The Organisational Human Factor Benchmark is the first of its kind to provide real-time analytical business intelligence software packed with powerful statistical analyses to serve as a decision support system for the "soft-issues" in companies.
We measure individuals by means of Business Intelligence (BI). BI classically refers to computer-based techniques used in analysing business data, such as sales revenue by products and/or departments or associated costs and incomes in order to support better business decision-making. Business Intelligence serves as a decision support system for companies to make informed, evidence-based business decisions.
We survey organisational climate, wellness and resilience, to provide management information regarding employee satisfaction, (and) the state of the organisation, in order to address concerns, such as the total amount of income lost on a monthly basis, due to dissatisfaction in the work place, as well as facilitate mergers and organisational development interventions. This assessment allows for the constructive development of organisations into more efficient functioning units, and provides clear direction for development initiatives in the future
Competencies will be assessed through psychometric instruments. The OHFB assessment instruments interface could be modified according to the requirements of the organisation. Additionally, depending on the employee's level of computer skills and literary skills the SABFI program or hard copy could be used. The OHFB (Organisational Human Factor Benchmark) psychometric tests has a proven validity and reliability, and the total results could be modified, by means of removing inaccurate data, so that only 100% reliable data could be used.
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